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Hot Stones Full Body Massage

(1hr) | £60.00


Hot stone massage therapy combines relaxing warmth and refreshing coolness to encourage the body to detox and heal. This also increases lymph flow and helps to flush out waste.

Heat relaxes your body in a short space of time, so your massage therapist can focus on a deep working of the tissues using both hot stones and hand strokes.

Hot stones also increase your sense of relaxation and calm. They are coated in fragrant oil which is smoothed gently onto your body, and each stone in turn is worked by your therapist's hands.


Stones on Foot
Oil Massage

Hot Stones Back, Neck & Shoulder Exfoliation & Massage 

(40 Mins) | £48.00

Most of our daily activities, such as writing, typing on the computer and driving can cause stress on our body. In particular, our shoulders tend to raise and tighten up when we our busy going about our day to day routine. Applying pressure on the soft tissue around your neck and back reduces muscular tension and eases day to day stress. These parts are constantly holding up our bodies, no wonder they feel tense and uncomfortable!

Head Massage

(20 Mins) | £25.00

(30 Mins) | £30.00

Guaranteed to lift you out of the stresses of daily life, helps with migraines & provide a real cure for those aching, tense neck & shoulder muscles.

Head Massage
Organic Beauty Products

Hopi Ear Candles

Hopi Ear Candles
(30 mins) | £32.00

Ear candles are an ancient, mild, natural therapy & have been used by the Native Americans for years. the treatment is very gentle and relaxing.

It can help with many conditions including sinusitis, earache, migraines & excess earwax. This treatment is safe for anybody including children. A quick consultation is necessary for your first visit.

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